Why Guitar is better Woman?

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Hey Guys... I wanna make a poster can help???

I go first ah...

1. You can have more then one and they dont get jealous.
Guitars don't get pregnant.
You can play your Guitar any time of the month.
Guitars don't have parents.
Guitars don't whine... unless you want them to.
You can share your Guitar with your friends.
Guitars don't care how many other Guitars you've played
Guitars don't care how many other Guitars you have.
Guitars don't care if you look at other Guitars.
Guitars don't care if you buy Guitar magazines.
You'll never hear, "Surprise, you are going to proud father of a new Guitar" unless you go out to buy one yourself.
If your Guitar is flat you can fix it.
Your Guitar doesn't care if you never listen to it.
Your Guitar won't care if you leave up the toilet seat.
You don't have to be jealous of the guy who works on your Guitar.
If you say bad things to your Guitar, you don't have to apologize before you play it again.
You can play your Guitar as long as you want and it won't get sore.
You can stop playing your Guitar as soon as you want and it won't get frustrated.
Your parents won't remain in touch with your old Guitar after you dump it.
Guitars don't get headaches.
Guitars don't insult you if you're a bad player.
Your Guitar never wants a night out with the other Guitars.
Guitars don't care if you're late.
You don't have to take a shower before you play your Guitar.
If your Guitar doesn't look good you can refinish it or get new parts.
You can play your Guitar the first time you meet it, without having to take it to dinner, see a movie, or meet its mother.
The only protection you have to wear when playing your Guitar is a decent thumb pick.
When in mixed company, you can talk about what a great time you had the last time you played your Guitar.
and last, but not least:
If you decide to part with an old Guitar, you don't have to give up half of everything you own
POWER!!!! You are first man..I post it less then 3 mins!!!

You type fast or you copy and paste???

Kerr said:
POWER!!!! You are first man..I post it less then 3 mins!!!

You type fast or you copy and paste???


copy and paste brudder....I have kept this in my c -rive for ages, to constantly remind myself once in a while.........

guitars increase in value the older they get..
guitars are low maintanence...
if u have enough free time, u can make ur guitar look like whatever it wants, and it wont complain..
u can strip ur guitar in public and it wont complain..
people will pay u to play ur guitar in public...
Why Guitar is better Man? For Girls ^^;

Guitars don't stop playing half way through the song then complain that they're tired
Guitars never want to watch wwe when you want to play
Guitars won't ask you to cook for them
<Dig at the females a bit>

Guitars don't have monthly cycles of mood swings.

Guitars can rock even better even after 50.
You can play your Guitar in front of your parents.
Guitars dont have hair.
Your Guitar won't jerk when being tapped hard.
Guitars scream the notes that are comfortable to your ears while being played.
Guitars dont bitch!
Guitars dont leak.
You can teach a kid to play a Guitar and his/her parents will not curse you.

15 Reasons

01. Girls dump you. A guitar will always be there when you get home.
02. A guitar's minimum requirement is an amp. A girl's minimum requirement is shoes, clothes, makeup, a mirror, magazines, more shoes and a tiny handbag. And that's every week!
03. You'll never turn on a girl as fast as you can turn on an amp.
04. If your guitar sounds crap, you can tune it. If your girl talks crap you're stuck with her.
05. Guitar's, unlike girls, have volume control which goes all the way down.
06. If you play your guitar crap, it tells you its crap. It doesn't lie and pretend you did it right when you didn't!
07. Two girls at once is hard to come by. Double kneck guitars are not.
08. Your guitar makes a sound only when you want it to.
09. Nobody cares when you dump your old, out of date guitar for a new, younger model. In fact it's encouraged.
10. With a guitar, you can copy tunes from other songs. With a girl, try telling her you're copying some moves from an ex and she'll throw you out.
11. Your guitar doesn't refuse to let you play it once a month.
12. Your guitar will never find out if you've been playing another guitar behind its back.
13. You don't have to get guitars drunk before using them.
14. You can stare at a guitar all you like, but stare at a girl too long and you'll end up in an immense amount of pain.
15. Watching other people play the guitar is entertaining. Watching other people do it is just sick!

you guys forgot one more............ u can watch football with the guitar in your hands and she wont even complain like how women do:)
second hand guitars can be sold off to ppl en masse, if u sell off second hand girls, its considered prostituition..
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