Who were yesterday syf winners?

I speak about the choir judging only. This year's judges are more... erm say, qualified. They really are the ones who know how to listen to a choir. In the past recent years like 2 yrs ago, the judges were civil servants and some others (i can't remember how they were chosen), not saying that they don't know how to judge but we all know certain people are there for certain things. That's why you see so many choirs got gold and gold with honours.

This yr's judges are real composers/conductors/musicians. This yr's panel of judges are also INTERNATIONAL. So, being international, there are many different things they are looking out for. What are they looking out for? We won't know. So in all, this year's SYF will sort of feel like WORLD CHOIR OLYMPICS!

Sometimes, a choir might really be a good choir and another choir might really not quite be there yet. But anything could happen on that judgement day. Every choir has its good days and bad days. Good or not so good choirs. And sometimes, the judges probably were looking for one thing but a choir has another thing. Say, the judges want an fork but the choir has a spoon.

My school's choir haven't gone for ours yet, but we're really bitting our nails because of the whole judging thing. The standards have really been raised. But our conductor told us the best thing is to just have fun on stage and walk off the stage feeling good. And I want to feel good when I walk off the stage.
yeah, the judges this year are more strict and professional. my school's Chinese Orchestra and Band both got silver though, not sure about choir yet.
good to hear of a more international and qualified judging panel this time around.

During my time, we only had local ppl(talents) as judges. Even gameshow host Samuel Chong was a staple judge for quite a no. of SYF's. I'd say we needed to start somewhere, and the best way to begin was with our own ppl. For the choral scene, I think the only way to raise the national standards was to bring ppl in from outside of Singapore, to increase variety and provide a wider angle of critique.

Choir Olympics was the first time I met with a truly international panel, with judges from all over the world convening in Linz for the inaugural Olympics.

Have fun guys, the results announcements are always the most exciting moments. =)
I JUST CAN'T WAIT to see Mr Ko Matsushita.
I love his compositions and I saw his choir perform once.
He's really charasmatic and lively on stage.
Hahaz.....i'm part of the Guitar Orchestra of ACS(Independent)............we only got Gold, along with Woodlands Secondary. Out of 20 schools, 4 schools got Gold w/ Honours: RGS, RI, St Anthony's Canossian, Anglican High. So embarassing..............we set the standard 4 yrs ag by being the 1st school to win Gold on our 1st try. We wanted the Honours badly. Ah well, i guess it wasn't to be. But at least the IB Orchestra (JC Level, but doing another diploma) got the Honours.
i'm in the symphonic band and we could only get a lame bronze...
in the end, i still could not blame anyone even if they cock-up...still one band...haizzz..... lucky i graduating..
JC level got like 6 GwH out of 12 schools for gutiar ensemble...

nobody got bronze and below though... i personally felt the GwH was cheapened cuz among the 6 or so who got GwH, there's a very big difference in terms of overall performance...
Our school's eldds was really good, but they got a bronze.
so my classmates' jaws practically dropped.
my school's choir got a gold yesterday.
and chij st nicks choir got gold with honours.
the judges may be international, local, stupid, smart, can't appreciate this, biased towards that etc, we played well, it was enjoyable...

well, a gentle reminder... we're living in singapore btw, and at the end of the day, who cares? Only 1 thing matters, results-on-paper.

btw, any1 going for vj choir concert?

edit: stalkers on my back, even here... u stalk me u watch out... buay song with anything tell me directly...
sydodo: Geriller (gorilla) and alot of eldds girls cried when they got the results came out. I'm sure they did well though...
kerplunk: i remember briefly there was a moment on tuesday when somehow, there was this brief moment of stillness.
i believe that was when the eldds girls received their results.
I heard 7 out of 19 Sch for dance (jc lvl) got GwH... again, silver was the lowest and no 1 got bronze or CoP.

Its now like, instead of "wow GwH! very good!",
its "oh, no GwH!, u suck"...

because people are giving the well-if-u-haven't-got-at-least-a-GwH-talk-to-my-hand kinda attitude...

This kind of judging makes schs which really deserve a GwH look normal instead of exceptional...
I would love to attend the vj choir concert. You got tix for me? Just 1 =)

I could speak to Nelson for tix...but...might as well go thru a vj choir member. I'm sure you have some ticket sales quota to meet.... :P

Lemme know, tks.

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