Who has sweaty palms?

You can try to apply some alcoholic hand rub onto ur hands before playing, you will sweat much lesser.

To prolong string life, you can try cleaning your guitar strings everytime before you start playing, and after you start playing.

You may also like to apply string cleaners to your strings when you clean them. Try those alcohol type ones (Yamaha used to have them) I personnally do not like those that have a waxy or oily feel to it.

Elixir strings are good IMO, have been using them for 2 years or so now.

Also remember to clean your guitar frets regularly. The strings are not the only ones that rust and tarnish. Frets do tarnish too. Just wipe them gently using a clothe, every now and then will do.

been using this for the past few years...

price - $25 to $30
place to find - Guardian or any major pharmacies
feeling of sweat free palms - PRICELESS

I tried that. but I get super irritated skin. turns out worse. cannot play cos of rash. haha
i got sweaty palms too, i use to make daddario strings rust in a week. got sick of that and started using exliirs nanoweb, they last me at least 3 months per pack now before the 1st sign of tarnish appears, and then it lasts for another 2 months before i needa change them.

i used to use jazz 3's large picks and dropped them a few times while playing, now i use awe-in-one, haven't dropped a pick since! and they're way cheaper than v picks