Who has sweaty palms?


New member
God damn sweaty palms. my pick always slip. my strings always rust. and worst of all... my pick always slips. any picks to recommend? lol.. using jazz 3 now. one of my friends went through surgery to like stop sweating in his palms but i think that it's a bit extreme... just need a pick that can hold through sweat i guess. my rosewoood neck ends up looking like it's made of ebony
hahaha ok i'm assuming ur jazz 3 is the mini one? if so they have a jazz 3 max grip available. cant rmb where i got mine though lol. its alot better in terms of grip. i would use it if not for my over-reliance on big picks(i'm using the jazz 3 XL). my lead guitarist got the same prob as u also but he has no problems with the jazz 3 XL i intro to him. anyway here's how he reduces string rust: after every practice, he will wipe down and then wrap the strings in cloth. not sure if it actually helps but that's his method la lol. my sweaty palms haven't reach godlike mode yet. my strings barely rust. they just get black but no rust.

ps. my teacher did something to his hand also i think, he didnt change strings for abt 3 months and it still looked brand new, shiny and all.
Yea, I think surgery is a bit extreme and would cost a new guitar too, my strings lose the twangy and bright sound too quickly, in like 2-3 weeks, both on my Fender Mustang and Jazz Bass,

I always boil my strings in hot water when I noticed too much dirty and rusty deposits under the strings, to get back some of the strings life back,

When my hands start to sweat, I quickly use some rubbing alcohol I got from Guardian or Watsons, or get some really cold water to wash with for a few minutes, then dry using fan. When my hands are cool enough, the sweating usuaally stops on its own

My doctor suggested to use an electric current treatment to stop the nerves causing the sweating to stop, but need to go for several sessions and can be expensive as the surgery
Honestly? Just buy Elixir strings hahaha. I made a set of Ernie Ball uncoated to rust in a day, and Elixirs lasts me 4 months before wearing out :P. About the picks, try using FATTER picks?
Don't talk about FATTER to AaronSoFat... sensitive topic

Get V-picks. They look smooth, no weird grip bumps, but stick very well due to magic
I wipe my strings everytime. but my hands are just too imba. v picks you don't look as JP as you would with jazz 3 leh. nah i jest. maybe will get it when i get back to SG
I have sweaty palms too. My solution is using Elixir nanoweb strings and V picks. The elixirs can last me 3-4 months with proper maintenance, and the diamond V picks can provide me with the grip i need.
nah.. my hands drip with sweat each time i pick up my guitar.. so i change my strings every 2 weeks. so the longest coated string has lasted only abt 2 months tops... *shrugs*. then again who doesnt like a fresh set of string on their guitar? and wiping down the strings do help as well as a string cleaner/conditioner (i swear by dunlop 65s) after every session...
To preserve the strings I use a WD40 pen and just line the strings with it after use. The strings last for 3-4 months. Put a bit on your pickguard and trem screws to prevent rusting.
I know right.
I have imbaimbaimba sweaty palms.
They sweat even when i'm doing nothing, that's how bad it is.
Every part of my guitar just corrodes too easily.
Can't take D'addarios as much as I love them, they can die within a day.

Elixirs are way to go, not so costly, plus they last 3-4 months.
Just that the feel is a little different, to me it's like harder to bend.
But maybe i'm just bending the wrong way or the neck is too thin to be comfortable (excuses)

To play safe,
I still wipe my elixirs after play =D
It's just cleaning them. I really doubt the part about keeping in tune. In fact probably places more stress on old strings by rapidly heating and cooling them.
It's just cleaning them. I really doubt the part about keeping in tune. In fact probably places more stress on old strings by rapidly heating and cooling them.

yeah agree with the latter part. don't know anything about boiling strings. learn something new everyday eh?
Try the Tortex Jazz 3. Works better than the normal Jazz 3 for me personally. And remember to use fast fret or some string lube/cleaner before and after playing.
Try the Tortex Jazz 3. Works better than the normal Jazz 3 for me personally. And remember to use fast fret or some string lube/cleaner before and after playing.

not sure abt u but the tortex jazz 3 seems to have more resistance against the strings as compared to the standard jazz 3 imo

been using this for the past few years...

price - $25 to $30
place to find - Guardian or any major pharmacies
feeling of sweat free palms - PRICELESS

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