Which would u choose? Girl/boy or guitar?

Give me a break... Are you sure you will save a non living thing over a human being? Even if the best guitar vs an old woman who is going to die anyway, we should save the woman. It's a human being we are talking about.

But if you ask me to choose between playing guitar and shopping with my gf, that's easy... heheh...
hahaha... hey.. guitars are made out of wood right... so theoretically they would float ???

sure practising 4-5 hrs a day is fun ...
but saving my gf and having her "owe" me for life is even MORE FUN....
FLOAT?! you take a gold top lespaul. throw inside water. it will sink all the way lah. heavy like toot lor.

eh plz. i cant swim, go down all 3 die? PIANG
it will be a lie if i choose guitar....... under such situation, no choice lei....... can save how many, save lor....

hey.......but dun 4 get.....

maybe it's my g/f who save me leh.......


we r not always the heroes..... get it?
Hmm...girl or guitar...well for me juz throw the lifejacket to the girl n dive to save the guitar..but anyway i think i'll sink...hehehe..coz i cant swim..!! :wink: