Which scale next?


New member
ive pretty much covered minor pentatonic....

the box.... no whenever i do scales its the only scale i do... i know it by heart....

what scale shd i learn next? for rock songs
If you already know the minor pentatonic, this means you also know the major pentatonic - just a relative one.

Let's say that you have learned Am pentatonic - you can comfortably use this over Am chords or A5 scenarios (and elsewhere of course). But - Am pentatonic is actually a 'mode' (ok - let's not complicate things too much) of C Major pentatonic. If you play the same notes of Am pent over a C chord you also get good harmonius results - just focus on the notes that make up the C major chord when you land.

After that, sure - learn a major scale.
Basically, the notes of the A minor pentatonic (A C D E G) are the same as those of C major pentatonic, just different emphasis.
it best to fully utilize your minor pentatonics rather than learning a whole lot of new things.

improvise your minor pentatonics to the sound that you hear on your head.

most popular classic rock guitarist such as page,slash,hendrix love to use minor pentatonic...

just my 2 cents. :D
how about looking at your pentatonic scales and see how the major and minor scales fit in? throw in some of these notes in your pentatonics and oyu have very much a different sound... i dunno... maybe u even end up getting alan holdsworth type of sound? :)