Which pub has good sound system?


Staff member
Was just wondering which pub in Singapore do you feel have a good sound system. Somewhere where they do justice to the band playing? :wink:
Oh the recital studio seems appropriate for a band act as well, though the speakers don't quite fill the room with sound.
you talking about the recital studio at Explanade? Just went to a production meeting this morning and was told the same thing about the speakers. Need to add a pair of side speaker to cater to the people in the front seats.

veganbleu said:
Oh the recital studio seems appropriate for a band act as well, though the speakers don't quite fill the room with sound.
yeah went to a few shows there and it's always the case. The ceiling's relatively high, and the subs never do the space justice. Everything's too diffuse to be impactful.

went for the Observatory gig last year at Bar none. Sound was awful, and was short of concert/performance standard. My friend and I were quite appalled at this actually.

Heard them at the esplanade, and they were quite good. At a past gig at zouk, some guys were playing some techno together with rappers and a guitar guy. The sound was horrendous. They had brought in their own mixing board and probably just patched a stereo to the zouk sound system. Everything was flat. Once they ended and the DJs got back on, it was all good.

It could have been that way at bar none.
dilbert said:

went for the Observatory gig last year at Bar none. Sound was awful, and was short of concert/performance standard. My friend and I were quite appalled at this actually.


our friend Lesile Low kena sabo ?

barnone sound is one of the best wat ?
hey... talking about pubs...
there's a little place at the rear building of Orchard Towers called Ginivy.(i think thats what the pub is called)....its in the 2nd floor... my dad plays bass in the band playing in the pub... they play country music... (like those cowboy stuff)... i think country music is kinda rare in our country... so, maybe you wanna check them out and listen to another kind of music cause most of us here are into funk, rock, metal or anything else...

blackductape said:
hey... talking about pubs...
there's a little place at the rear building of Orchard Towers called Ginivy.(i think thats what the pub is called)....its in the 2nd floor... my dad plays bass in the band playing in the pub... they play country music... (like those cowboy stuff)... i think country music is kinda rare in our country... so, maybe you wanna check them out and listen to another kind of music cause most of us here are into funk, rock, metal or anything else...


anyone who plays country music is WAY COOL MAN!
u all must know,when u are in a club/pub and the dj is spinning,it sounds good n nice but that doesn't mean that band sound will be too and vise versa ,both have a different responce to the sound system and how it is set up,so be there throughout th nite to evaluate the quality and perfoermance of the sound engineer.another thing,a recording engineer may not be performing well in live sound and vise versa cos in studio,u have a lot of time to rectify certain sound but in live sound u have to compromise and spontanious in ur reactions and decision.there,i've said my piece :D
Zouk has one of the best PA setup ups I have ever heard. For a small bar Zombie isn't too bad, 2X5150s, 3 Beh. Monitors, marshall 4*12 bass combo. Considering there are normal only 30-100 people there.
Heehee.... I think to the pub owner, the more important issue is how much beer can he sell, the bottomline.

A good sound system does not means it will fit the venue itself. Its about fine tuning to the theme of the pub, of course a good engineer will help tremendously.

Maybe the topic should be the stock sound or regular band that the pub engage. Impormptus gigs is highly subjective on too many factors to be judged fairly, remember it's just one event. the next event could be totally different sound and quality.

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