Which is better?? Esp Guitars Or Ibanez Guitars???


New member
Hei guys and galz.. I want to know which is better?? The ESP or the ibanez??
I have been saving money to buy a Powerful guitar but confused of choosing which brand is better.. So plz share ur knowledge wif us k.. :D
well, personally i prefer ibanez. esp guitars don;t really suite me. but it also depends on your own playing style and method. it all really personal preference. you should go and try a few guitars and see which ones suite u. you can really tell which ones are better for ya. asking here isnt really accurate. personal preferance man. rock on! :D
It's like asking which car is better. The ferarri or the posche... :lol: :lol:

Which comes first, the chicken or the egg..... :lol: :lol:
ESP guitars prices realli rock the roof....Artist model one cost S$6K plus cause u know those japanese, wear a headband place 2 candles around the head, play game complete no gonna hit no kill one, make guitar also must no mistake one, wood also dunno where chop one, super workmanship.

Back to the question, which is better is realli hard to say....look wise should be ESP ba(Japan not US), lots of funny ones, guns, axe, flags, doraemon, angels...etc.

Overall, I can recommend ESP Edwards though, good quality guitars with affordable price. I own one, cost mi 1.4K, very worth the price. Dun get LTD or Grassroots, pay a little more, go for ESP Edwards, at least the professional standard is there.
think u can order edwards guitars from davis..i once made an enquiry abt it :wink: im currently waiting for esp japan to release an edwards artist series guitar..have been waiting for so damn long @.@
which is better, the orange or the grapefruit? at the end of it all, the fact remains that they both are in the citrus family.

which is better, ESP or Ibanez? at the end of it all, they are both fine Jap guitars.

listen to the sensible advices here- try both, embrace the one which gives you what you want.

this 2005, after the NAMM report, we know that Ibanez has somewhat a revised offering in many different model catagories. between 1999-2002, i was ready to dismiss the Ibanez brand name as a commercially motivated company which would tumble down the downward trend spiral, with the departure of Frank Gambale & John Petrucci from its ranks. but WEF 2003, i was kinda happy with what the company has to offer, honest. the intro of the Artcore & SZ models was an eye-opener for many of the sceptics out there but there's no telling what the future holds for this brand name...

em... i'm an Ibanez fan 8)
guitarnub said:
hey how you get hold of Edwards series? I want one too lol

Yap, as PinkSpider said, from Davis. Took a long time to arrive as Japan got no stock, they produce as per order. Think took about 3-4 months. Check with Davis if u wan more enquries.
PinkSpId3r said:
think u can order edwards guitars from davis..i once made an enquiry abt it :wink: im currently waiting for esp japan to release an edwards artist series guitar..have been waiting for so damn long @.@

Waiting for ESP Japan to release Edwards artist series?? They had already produced Edwards artist series long ago, or maybe the particular artist u are looking for is not yet available? U can check at their official web http://www.espguitars.co.jp/index2.html

Anw, the Edwards I own is also an artist series. Below. Play like a dream after setup.
subversion said:
3-4 months is a resonable waiting time, i waited for more than half a year for my PRS to arrive...

Haha, think they waited for the right season to chop the trees which result in the long waiting time for ur PRS.... Just kiddin if u dont mind. :wink:
of course i don't...

PRS has this knack to take their time, i don't mind waiting... if you see a gold finished PRS McCarty in the catalogues, i think i started it... 8)
mikemann said:
It's like asking which car is better. The ferarri or the posche... :lol: :lol:

Which comes first, the chicken or the egg..... :lol: :lol:

yea mike, 2 thumbs up for answering the question. that's a bravo one... i mean just this time :lol:

Well.. thanks anywae guys.. Hmm.. How much does a good ibanez guitars cost?? I'm planning to buy one but don't know which model suits me.. I normally play rock n metal music so plz advice me man.. :o
for rock and metal , ibanez has a couple of models to cater to this genre... though the axes can do lighter genres as well..

i would think the no-brainer would be a RG ... but the new SZ series or S-series would suit rock and metal very well too. i guess its down to your budget dude...
too many models to recommend...

my advice is to get the one that serves your needs rather than your wants. one consideration would be the bridge- do you whammy? if you don't, then go with the fixed bridge models. off hand, i'd urge you to test the RG 321/ SZ320


looking at the recent post and pics of 2005 Ibz and ESPs, the Ibz looks more promising man, the 2005 ESPs kinda suck, if looks is important for u la which it is to me hahah