Seems like there are a lot of digital recorders (Sony, Olympus, Edirol, Zoom, Yamaha, etc) on the market with a wide range of prices. Does anyone have recommendation?
Some critieria would be price (budget around S$300-400), ease of use, battery life, and anything else that I should look out for. I will be using it to record live performances.
Thx in advance for feedback.
Seems like there are a lot of digital recorders (Sony, Olympus, Edirol, Zoom, Yamaha, etc) on the market with a wide range of prices. Does anyone have recommendation?
Some critieria would be price (budget around S$300-400), ease of use, battery life, and anything else that I should look out for. I will be using it to record live performances.
Thx in advance for feedback.