which bass should i get?

pbass.. jazz bass.. stringray... i don't think you can go wrong. just keep the strings fresh and new (d'addario prisms are good for this) and keep the tone knob all the way up.
my budget is around 350 bucks.i think i like single coil pickup better cuz humbucker would be too growl-ish (rite?)
Not necessarily. My best advice , go out to the guitar shops at try out the basses. Find one that is comfortable to play, and sounds great to you. Bring along an experienced bass player or at least an experienced guitar player with you. Remember to treat them kopi hor after that! :wink:

PS SXs at Davis are not bad for the money.
for that kinda budget, these are recommended:

Samick Fairlane:

Ibanez GSR200

if you are willing to spend a little bit more, the Squier's Std Jazz bass is superb for the money:
-1 to the Squier Jazz. Squier has lost it ever since they were made in China. their necks are too floppy, tone is too thin.

try to find a used Rockbass or Mexican fender. if you want a new piece, find a good ibanez preferable with a P/J pickup combo
ibanez gio series, the cheapest range in ibanez basses. playability can't comment much as the one i played wasn't setup nicely, but the pickups sound really good...
Both. i've tried both versions at swee lee before. total disappointment.

My Affinity P bass was made in Indonesia. still have it here with me and it's really not bad. compared with the new ones, it outshines.
i think i like single coil pickup better cuz humbucker would be too growl-ish

if i'm not wrong single coils tend to be more "growly" than humbuckers..though there could always be exceptions..i've always associated humbuckers with a fatter sound
you can try squier p-bass special.

california series.

P-j pickups.

available at musictheme.

cost around 380.
i used to own a non-indo Squier p-bass: very good, no issues

the current indo ones are IMO as good, some hear less thump in the tone.
heh... all the quarreling... save up? if you want to play it safe... save up and watch out for either rockbasses or better ibanezes...
warwicks are fine basses, no qualms there 8)

having recently tried the MTD Kingston, it's another recommended product in the midprice range.