Which bass amp is better?


New member
Anyone tried out the Laney R115 before?
How is it compare to the Ibanez SW65S???
Which amp is more worth buying?
for home practice ?

if yes , i personally think 30watts is enough already man.

i'm using laney hcm65b and my volume knob is always at 1.5.

Anything higher than that and my house gonna shake.
i've never owned that laney amp, but my recent history of amps is

ibanez sw65
laney hcm25b
swr la10 (present)

although the laney amp was the smallest-watt amp of them all, it was pretty loud. it could be that laneys are loud especially after reading holas' testimonial

the sw65 is really bang for the buck, nice tone and loud enough for bedroom jams. i've even used it on numerous occasions for LT-sized 'gigs' (picture me carrying a 65-watt bass amp on the SBS bus)

i've never owned that laney amp, but my recent history of amps is

ibanez sw65
laney hcm25b
swr la10 (present)

although the laney amp was the smallest-watt amp of them all, it was pretty loud. it could be that laneys are loud especially after reading holas' testimonial

the sw65 is really bang for the buck, nice tone and loud enough for bedroom jams. i've even used it on numerous occasions for LT-sized 'gigs' (picture me carrying a 65-watt bass amp on the SBS bus)

Damn man the weight of the SW65 is a killer. I can't even imagine you carry the bloody thing around. haha
A better comparison for you will be between the ibanez 65 and a Laney RB1 or my fave, the R1.

Both of them have similar specs if I'm not wrong.
What about Marshall MB30?
Now I am thinking between MB30 and SW65.
I using for home practice.
Whats the diff between MB30 and B30?
SACRIFICE... that bitch cant even fit in a car boot. last time jc days freaking low budget gigs... we keep pushing for performance amp rental and the council ppl will say "you play your instruments at home... dont u have amps?"

i enjoyed that amp. it even has a tweeter. nice tone. when i stepped down from the sw65 to the hcm25b you could imagine the pain... but i'm getting a really nice tone from the LA10 now. i actually wanted to get a hartke but citymusic made me wait too long for it