Which Asian Guitarist Do YOU want to hold a bass clinic in Singapore?


New member
Hi Guys,

Drop me suggestions on WHO (Asian Ahh...) you want to see hold a guitar clinic in Singapore!


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But if we're talking guitarists and guitar clinics...

Why all the Japs and no love for the ones closer to home?

Rosli Mansor please :D
But if we're talking guitarists and guitar clinics...

Why all the Japs and no love for the ones closer to home?

Rosli Mansor please :D

Aiya, I think some of the local masters already held clinics locally b4 mah. Since the topic includes all Asians, I guess it's natural that most ppl suggest and list others they had not seen live b4.
I mean full clinics ma..
If I'm not wrong, he hasn't.

Chillax dude just airing my views and answering the TS's question by naming who I'd wanna see (;