Which 1 is better? jap or mex?

Cloudsky said:
Which 1 is of better quality? a jap fender or a mexican fender?

On average, I would say the Japanese Strats have fewer "lemons".

However, don't discount the equivalent level Corona models. Their QC standards have improved over time.
don't really understand what you mean :(

what do you mean by "fewer" lemons? Means their fenders are more umm well crafted and have less problems?
Cloudsky said:
don't really understand what you mean :(

what do you mean by "fewer" lemons? Means their fenders are more umm well crafted and have less problems?

Hello Cloudsky,

"Lemons" is a term to describe a defective products.

Within most large organisations, their QC process should weed out the majority of defective products before they leave the factory.

However, there may be guitars with (slight) defects that might be missed out in the QC process.
it's a matter of liking the one you audition- try both & get the one which feels & sounds right.

i auditioned both the H1 strat & the American Series, bought the former. the jap units on the other hand, are fantastic for the asking price. i've tried a few but couldn't find the one i like...

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