Wheree to get Squire Vintage Modified Jazz Bass


Get a second hand MIJ Fender rather than a first hand Squire with your budget la bro. Seriously, my mother of all advices.

Go enquire at Swee Lee's shop.

If you're talking about second-hand Fenders, there's a couple on soft's buy/sell forum. Go have a look.

Fenders do not neck dive. Why you so concerned about neck dive anyways. I'd buy a bass that neck dives on me if the tone is beyond this world man. Small inconveniences are bearable if tone is awesome/
best way to know is to try it out for yourself.

as for Swee Lee's online store, don't bother about it cuz it's never updated, and the prices there aren't the real prices most of the time.
ok how bout an epi thunderbird cause it is the 1 that i wanted before j bass. it has neck dive prob but i luv the looks and the tone (went youtube)
so do i go for it?
i'm pretty sure you can get something that sounds and plays alot better for that kind of money.

-_- You've been so anal about neck dive and you don't know what it is?!?!?!

It's just a heavy neck that when you sling your guitar on, the headstock naturally sags and points down. The only inconvenience is that you have to keep your hand constantly on the neck to hold the guitar upright.

Goodness you.
btw..the Squier VM Jazz lists at $895. It's the P that's $695.

I've never seen someone so hung up on neck dive before...
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