Where to get Gotoh or OFR bridges? Cheapest of course..


New member
uhm. i hope i got this in the right place...

anyways.. my guitar's (Ibanez) got a Lo-TRS II and it looks like... well somethin ate it up (don't ask why).

But i want to replace it. And i read up that Gotoh and OFR bridges fit right in as a replacement...

So... anywhere to get the Gotoh bridge? And does anyone know how much?

if i'm not wrong, Zen Guitarwerkz at peninsula stocks Gotoh bridges and stuff.. KC was recommending some when i brought my strat there for a setup.. prices sounded quite reasonable too..
it's definitely cheaper to mass order the gotoh. but if you want it fast or would rather purchase it yourself locally then yea only zen guitarworks have em