Where to get glockenspiel?



I got my Yamaha YG-250D from Yamaha (duh), have to make some calls to their sales line though, because they don't stock it at Plaza Singapura. Wasn't that easy to find, apparently they sell it mostly to school bands and the like, not individuals, and some of the sales staff don't know what it is.

I got mine at 800++, it's light and sounds good, though the tone isn't as deep due to the trimmed down keys compared to more expensive models. I tried several cheaper, brandless ones elsewhere but they sounded too toy-ish for me.

You can also try Accent Music (www.accent.com.sg) for Premier brand ones.

Hope this helps!

Btw, might i ask what you want to use it for? Just curious...
^Keyboards can't really emulate the awesome tone of the glocken. I saw a couple at swee lee the last time around, but they were upwards of 400. I always wanted to attach a piezo or something to a glockenspiel and rock out on it.