Where to Custom Make Amplifier Bags


New member
I would like to custom make a bag to protect my guitar amplifier during transportation. It's a Laney VC30 112 which weighs about 20kg.

Where in Singapore can I custom make such a bag?

Thanks in advance for advice.
probably can go to a tailor i suppose. thing is, WHY do u want such a bag, and also, how do u want to carry your amp?
To bring out for regular gigs. Carry by the amp handle or use a trolley.

Btw, the amp must be able to fit into a normal-sized car boot after going into the bag/case.
Dunno for bag, casewise, custom cases off www.fci.com.sg and www.dragodesign.com.sg

Need more info? Search this forum.

Please ask THEM and not me for the prices/details. There're just too many other people who can't lift a finger to call them up and ask, even though they are the ones benefiting from calling. Don't become one of them.
Thanks for the referrals so far. I didn't know there were these options!

Btw, I can order through this website:-

But it's in US and there are shipping charges to pay. Hopefully there's a local alternative.