where to buy an ESP KH 2 ....need help..


New member
ok guys...i am looking forward to buy this ESP KH2 guitar but most probably a second hand or used one because i dont have the money to buy a brand new...so i need help from u guys....plz provide me some details with where can i buy good quality but used ESP kh2.....n plz dont ask me to buy some other guitar coz this one is my DREAM guitar...:D

Hey! Looks like you're a metallica fan!!! haha me too!! OK...you can try eBay, not the singapore version... The reason, is because the guitar is so freaking expensive that its quite hard to afford...and besides its relic, so not many will look forward to sell unless they need the cash.. These are the pointers that came up to my mind......
The most likely places to have one of those second-hand is eBay, TGP (thegearpage.net) or HCAF (acapella.harmony-central.com), all of which involve overseas transactions and shipping. Otherwise you have no choice but to buy it brand new, and I think Davis has one for a reasonable price.
thnx man for the reply

i actually have a budget of 1600-1800 US $ :(.....so if davis has one in this range then it would be the most awesome thing that could happen....:D....

still if you know some shops in singapore that deal in used guitars and has a gud repo...then it wud be gr8 as i m traveling to singapore after a month....
man...are you serious.....coz that wud be so fcking AWESOME....

the kh2 not the vintage distressed black one. the normal one. call davis at 63375092 sunday open 1-6pm. check availability and price. tell them fun asked u to check for availability. one piece was sold just few days back to an indon boy, tts y.
I know where sells them first hand, i think it should be quite affordable. Its not at Davis, somewhere VERY near them...

i think i might not be able to call coz i live in INDIA...but surely when i visit there shop i will give your reference....thnx man

also i mailed them at their email id queries@davis something.....but havent got any reply yet....i asked about the price of esp kh2......hopefully will get in a day or 2.
I know 3 places.

Davis, Music Theme and Ranking Sports.

First two are at penin, last is at brahs basah.

I believe the one at ranking is the neck-thru model.

Give em a call to check!

Every shop sure will receive complains from customers at a point of time.Sometimes its the salesman's fault,cant blame the shop just because of him.Anyway,theres another guitar shop near Davis..forgot the name but I think its a malay running it,they sell gibsons and fenders,not sure about esp..I remember seeing some LTDs at Music theme,there should be ESPs if im not wrong..