where else to buy fender?


New member
hey guys ive been wanting to buy a fender guitar, preferbly a highwayone tele or american standard tele, but swee lee's out of stock.

know anywhere else/ any way else i can buy one?

blackwood guitars has quite a few 2nd-hand fenders in the store. some of them they look frigging brand new! 0_0
aaah yes blackwood has quite some stock on fenders. not sure of which models though.

i think guitar77 has fenders. correct me if im wrong.

try any music forums. like soft's very own buy/sell section.

if not, try online. ebay?

btw TS, did you check both swee lee outlets?
hey thanks for all the advice peeps! yup checked both swee lees alrd, dropping brendon an email now...

might be getting a MIJ tele then...
anyone tried a MIJ 52' tele? pretty interested in that one