Where can i get a pedal board?

I just bought the last gater board and carry case in sg from Tampines branch yesteryday...

the guy told me they aren't sure when they stocking it in again so my guess is either mrmisse or DIY, but i think mrmisse is out of stock too...
aha!! theres a "rocket science' pedal board sold by some "swarm" fella ...do a search !!
be warned, it will cost u one kidney !!
hey dude, if ya want those flightcase kind, then the misse boards are good. if ya just want a soft case for your pedals to mount on, i'd say the westfield pedalcase from esden trading is a good buy.
you could try the diy route. buy wood and velcro from artfriend, would cost you less than $10.
then there's the issue of tranporting it :? currently using my huge gym bag

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