Where can I buy 2 x mono quarter inch plug to 1 x stereo quarter inch plug?


New member
As stated in title, where can I buy a Y cable 2 x mono to 1 x stereo TRS in Singapore? If can cheap cheap will be good. hehe ;)

Thanks guys.
Luther's shop in Peninsula basement makes custom cables. They have a few ready-made ones in the common types you can walk-in and pick up. If you want to make custom ones just let em know what you need.
+1 re: luther's - the custom option is very useful. how deep do you want the fork in the Y cable? many commercially available Y cables only have shallow fork, e.g. if you're running from a dual output guitar to two amps, those Y cables won't be long enough.
Hey thanks guys,

I just need it for mixer to sound modules to trigger controllers, all very near to each other.
Alright thanks for the suggestions. I'll head down today. Cheers. +1 for all.