where are the major music bookshops in singapore?


New member
Hi all,

i'm looking to buy a song book for si shou lian tan:
四手联弹 - 打翻音乐盒

does any one noe the major music bookshops in singapore where i mite b able to find this book?

in particular i'm lookin for the score for dis song (xin dong - lin xiao pei):

thanks in advance for your help!!
there's this little shop in the back of swee lee that sells some music books. that's the only one i can think of offhand. your next best bet would probably be huge bookshops like borders or kinokuniya
i've only seen 1 store selling chinese pop in sg, music book room. i'm not sure if they have the book... i would say if u cant find it there buy from ebay...