When have you felt the most lonely?

How about the time when nobody around you understand or share the passion you have for music?
When you see an old man hobbling across the road, getting horned at by cars, and realize he's just like you and you can't do anything about anything.
I have felt the most lonely when I was growing up and looked and felt different from everyone else for being albino. I overcame it in the end through music. But there is always a tinge of it that lingers. It's not self-pity, it's self-awareness.

I've felt lonely for others, in knowing that they felt lonely and I couldn't do anything to make them feel less alone.

I've felt lonely at clubs when I realize I couldn't fit into the whole culture of getting drunk and dancing with random people in a crowd.

But most of the times I'm fine :)
Whenever Im outstation because of work and am all alone in the hotel room at the end of the day.
When it strikes me tt everyone goes about their lives without realising I'm here. When I'm alone in a crowd and everyone is talking to everyone else except me. Sometimes when I'm lying in bed it hits me that I didn't have a proper conversation with anyone the entire day. It's not anybody's fault actually, I'm just painfully shy. There's always this nagging sense of loneliness, but I think I've gotten used to it. Just give me some music and I'm fine.

lying on the bed late at night contemplating my destiny..
the fast track of life..
how things came and go and how much things are lost..and ho u wish u can turn back time
just to be ther..but are you sure urr willing to let go of the present/to go to the past?
I guess when I can't be myself.. I'm usually pretty lame/funny/hyper/cool. If im not that way then somethings wrong..

I think its really sad and lonely when I feel like no one understands me too. That sucks..
on a musical note ... i feel most lonely when I'm performing solo / accoustically ...

just did a set at House of Rock last night -solo - lonely feeling doing it all by myself
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Wow this thread turns out to be more theraputic than I thought lol. And the page views is quite high also so I'm thinking there's more lonely people out there than we thought.

It's funny though don't you think. If so many people feel lonely, why is reaching out so often hard? and why is admitting it openly even harder?
i'll feel lonely when my parents are overseas for business trip.... no1 is at home... wat i can do is play guitar, study.. slack.. no1 to share my trouble.. although i've got good buddies but they've got their partner.. being lonely s**Ks big time.... but it helps u to refresh all the mistake you've done... yeah... every1 have lonely times.... BUT!!!!! STAY HAPPY!!:D