whats the name of your guitar?


cuz her sound is kinda muddy.

its a lower end sammick royale.

but i still love her. Been with me for reaching 7 yrs *kisses the wood*
my #1 guitar is called Jeslyn.

#2 used to be Kristel before i sold her off and got another which is called Sylvia

and then my first guit ever is called Nicole. and my acoustic is called Gladys
guitar names.. cool..!

hey all.. a new member in the house here.. :) saw a few cool names here.. haha.. and here's mine..

1. Fina Acoustic Guitar (Fina - named after the brand itself.. cuz it's already a nice name.. lol)
2. B.C. Rich Mockingbird (Rose - cuz it's pink in colour juz like bandung drink.. lol!)
I "similiarise" my guitar names to my loved ones.

ehh why u laff at my guitar's name? I name it after my daughther U laff summo .... u r mean

i didnt laugh at the name in a mean way la fgl :S
it's just like a ''haha'' remark.

heh and i name my guitar after the guitarists i look up to :D

and amelia is a nice name !
Haha no offence, but Amelia always reminds me of this Ah lian from my class in sec2.....Very weird girl.....Whole year come school like 3-4 times only. Its a sweet name but I have phobia liao haha

Haha no offence, but Amelia always reminds me of this Ah lian from my class in sec2.....Very weird girl.....Whole year come school like 3-4 times only. Its a sweet name but I have phobia liao haha

was her real name: Ah Mei Lia? :mrgreen::-D;)
hydrofly bro thats a cool amp you have above the line6.the design on it.

HAHA it's an acoustic amp. Never really use it, I got it dirt cheap from china, I use it for amp whacking experiments. IE how do guitar amp speaker cones respond to max volumes, a bass guitar, a bass guitar with a Du Hast pedal, all kinds of shit. After my As I'm gonna get a screwdriver and poke 4 holes in the cone. Wonder what it will sound like.
Mine's a B.C.Rich Virgin :). Her name is Amaterasu xD
If you read Naruto you'll understand this haha. My guitar resembles a fire and it's pitch black so it's kind of like "black flame", which is Amaterasu, a technique in Naruto. Amaterasu is also the Sun goddess in Jap culture
mine's a schecter tooo!!!
mine's a schecter omen-6 extreme. diamond series.
i bought it during the sale at guitar 77.
together with the randall amp,
i think tons of pplheard of that sale yeah. lol

i call him ryyan!
he's been really well behaved lately. love him to bits and pieces

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