Blues is like stock. The starting point is the 12 chord structure, the blue note (in between the minor 3rd / major 3rd).
This stock can be used to make many different types of soup. Not only jazz, but also R+B, rock and roll, all contains elements of the blues.
Jazz, there are many different types. The most common type of jazz simply means everybody agrees on a sequence of chords, and the musicians masturbate over them one by one. That is why the word bop also means masturbation. Quite often, a jazz piece will have a lot of blues flavour but not necessarily so.
Both Jazz and blues are to be mostly found in the USA, although the French and Japanese have a lot of jazz fans.
The real way to understand jazz and blues is to listen. For jazz, best first album is "Kind of Blue" by Miles Davis. Because both the serious listeners of bebop and the wankers who listen to soft jazz can find something to appreciate about it. Charles Mingus also relatively friendly.
For swing, can listen to Duke. Also good to listen to Frank Sinatra Capitol era, because if you don't like it, you can still find somebody who will buy it off you.
For blues, there are the old Robert Jordans, BB King, Albert King, Eric Clapton, Lightning Hopkins, etc etc etc.
If you don't get it, listen a few more times because jazz is not that easy to figure out. Blues is easy to understand but difficult to play with the right feeling.