Whats a neutral sounding 1x12 or 2x12 cab?


Looking for an affordable 1x12 or 2x12 cab.. Any recommendations?

It'll be great if its more of a neutral sounding cab that can be used with various amp heads and has lower wattage speakers.. I have quite a low budget now so I can't afford stuff like a THD 2x12 etc :p

EDIT: The head I'm playing through is the Jet City JCA20 if any are wondering.
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So far the most affordable I've seen is the jet city 1x12.. Anybody have experience with that cab?
i'm currently using a blackheart 1×12" closed back cab with my blackstar. it's around $200 plus from yamaha, i think it's quite affordable
Cool thanks man, didn't consider the blackheart stuff. They don't happen to have 2x12s right? I checked their website and couldn't find any. Hows the tone on the cab btw?

i'm using the BH112 as well. was hunting for a cab to manifest good pedal tones & this was it.
Yeah, one of the first few cab brands I was looking at were the THD and avatars cos a friend recommended them. I'm really liking the reviews of the avatar and the vintage and traditional 2x12s are what I'm eying. However they're out of my budget thats why I'm not getting them now. Do you use avatars btw? Would like to know more about their worldwide shipping cos its not really stated on their website.

I'll give the blackheart 1x12 a go for sure. That and the jet city 1x12 are the 2 cheap and good ones I've found so far.