What's a good volume pedal??


New member
What's a good volume pedal?? Anybody know??? I'm tired of shifting my fingers fast to tweak down my volume knobs in the middle of performing..! Sometimes the rough gauging isn't correct!!
If you want accuracy you can't go wrong with the Visual Sound Visual Volume.
If space is a premium, the Morley Mini Volume is a good optical pedal.
If not stick to the much loved Ernie Ball VP Jr.
It depends on what you want the volume pedal for, if you are looking to vary volume levels you should get a low impedance vol pedal and place it after your distortions,eq etc. If you want it purely for volume swells you could get a high impedance vol pedal and place it right after your guitar to mimic the volume knob. So your swells has that varying volume and gain kind of swirling effect so to speak.

For low impedance volume pedals rmb to place it after a good buffered bypass pedal or build a buffer into the volume pedal so that you dont lose the high frequencies and the pedal sort of breathes better.

I may be wrong please correct me :D
Really tempting to get both now.. though my actual purpose is just to reduce my volume more conveniently when i'm playing soft parts in the song..
Is there those kind that i can just step on a button and it reduced my volume by 1/2, and another button for 1/4 volume..??
Maybe you can contact this1smyne about making his mini volume pedal with a footswitch. http://www.this1smyne.com/product_list/products/mv-mini-volume-pedal/ Like this but put the volume knob on the side and a footswitch on top of the mini pedal.
Otherwise why don't you just use a clean boost? Leave it always on, then when you want to cut down the volume turn it off. A clean boost will tend to have some qualities of its own, no matter how transparent, other than just strictly increasing the volume though.

If you have fixed volumes in mind you could even wire a toggle switch on your guitar like a pickup selector, but acting as a volume switch with fixed values (e.g. up=full volume, middle=1/2, down=1/4). Not sure about the exact details on how to do this with your existing volume knob in the same circuit but I think it'd be possible.
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