Whatlah! Events Presents Lols

It was great guys. thanks to the organisers. I,m looking forward to performing for u guys!

Anyways we do have fun.

you didn't come up or say anything, we are all half-blind so we dont really know who you were. lol. sorry about that

Only Nick is half blind.. and maybe the drummer. Somehow his contacts folded up and went up into his eyelid. What the eff?!?!
Oh yea! Great effort from all the bands!

Broken promises by Random Arrival was really catchy...

And don't worry Raman, I don't think anyone noticed your mistakes la :X
the boys of oligarchy would like to extend their gratitutes to the people who came down to support L.O.L.S and catch us perform (gratitutes also includes the organiser, venue and our friends too).

we hope that we've put up a great set and have entertained you guys a whole lot. it's a great set to start the new year for us (since the one month haitus) and we intend to keep this standard going on.

keep the support for local scene strong!

once again, thank you so much for a great show!
My hair cock la! I gotta get my hands on some industrial strength cement if I want to get it to stand upright.

it's ok, reckless landing. it was kinda my bad too. wanted to come up to you guys and say hi after my band's set but you guys left after random arrival's set. haha! should've come up to you guys sooner. hopefully we'll share the same stage again. (remember punk rock fest?)

yooo raman! the gig went out well lah! and don't worry bout you cocking up during ur set...it was still enjoyable though....haha :D

anyone took photos/vids???
and why must everyone sit? is it because i'm the one who sat 1st??? :cool:

and oh yaa nick we,the guys from ATS were sitting rite behind you all lahh...haha
should have stayed and watch some punk rock action man!!! :twisted:

anyhow the gig went out quite well....
and raman pls don't be late next time alrite??? :D

so rock on ppl!!!
LOL!. Ok la.

I was late coz of my clumsineesss. LOL.

I thought that i left my flyers/tix in camp. But i found out later its in my bag. So i went to Jurong Pt to print more tix and flyers.

Then I was too KC, i tot i left my ezlink card sumwhere. LOL. But its in my ciggarette pack. (don''t ask me why its there ) lol.

So thats explain everything. Even so, the gig ended very early LOLL!!!!

Hint : very local!


From WhatLAH! Events.

ok lazy to open new thread.

LOLS 2 WILL BE IN MAY! :) New line ups and power pack crowd (hopefully)

Thanks for all those replies from you guys! looking forward to meet all of you! :)

Currently : Selecting bands. :)