What you should know about tweaking your Guitar


New member
You will need to spend a good 10-20 hours of researching wire diagrams, pickups, what a pot is, good soldering technique, types of wires, and proper shielding techniques before you even think about rewiring a guitar. I say this because if you are showing some gaps in your knowledge that shouldn't be there, Googling each of those topics is a good way to start filling the gaps of your knowledge.

Don't do anything crazy if you don't have enough knowledge yet. You don't know whether your pots are linear taper or logarithmic, for instance. I think I know what they are, but that's not going to help you! So... if your guitar is worth any kind've money, take it to a professional.

If it's not, you should anyways - you risk damaging your guitar if you don't do this right. If you insist on being stubborn about it, buy a book and read it thoroughly on pickup diagrams. You will need to spend a few hours on the internet looking up wiring diagrams and pot values. I would then suggest doing some practice runs with your soldering iron on junk parts or spare parts from the store - you'll need to do it right, you don't want to learn how to do something on your guitar!

You should seriously consider getting a wiring kit that already has all the parts with it. Yes, it will be a little more expensive, but you will have everything you need. That way there's no guesswork.

I'm a tweaker/fiddler/gearhead/geek by nature myself, and am always looking to modify, so I empathize. I just urge you to do the right thing - unless you know what you're doing, it's best to have a pro do it (meaning not someone from a place where guitars are treated unfairly). If you want to learn how to do it, practice on something that isn't going to hurt your feelings if you break it.

So allow me to explain that an original wiring work is most treasured these days, just like an unmodified car sells better, and if you know what I mean, then go do your research and remain tuned to this forum for a wealth of experiences.

Saveguard your Taylors, Martins, Fenders, Gibsons, Ibanezes, Jacksons, Washburns, Yamahas, and every quality guitar made right just for you.

Keep Rocking. Cheers!