What value pots and caps for Fender Vintage Noiseless Tele pickups (Neck & Bridge)


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What value pots and caps for Fender Vintage Noiseless Tele pickups (Neck & Bridge)

Hi, got a set of Fender Vintage Noiseless Tele pups. Going to install on my tele soon. Any advice on the tone and volume pots value and caps?
If I'm not mistaken, that set came with 1 Meg CTS pots right? Don't use them! stick to regular 250K CTS pots.

Caps you can give Vitamin Qs a shot. actually the most important thing when it comes to Fender Noiseless are the pickup height balancing.
Nope it does not come with any pots. Why do you suggest sticking to 250k pots? Im aware of the height balancing but im concerned about the pot and cap values as ive read mixed recommendations on it on alot of forums. Some say go for 500k as the noiseless acts like a humbucker and sticking with 250k will make the tone muddy and lack depth. Im actually going for the 500k but im just afraid the added brightness will make the tone especially the bridge pickup to be too bright or ice picky.
Anyone here uses the noiseless tele pups?
The vintage noiseless strat set comes with 1 meg - could try - more clarity I guess