WHAT TO GET: Building a Basic Home Recording Studio

by the way to stick to the topic, softies reading, if you're going to build your own way of soundtreatment and proofing, this is a very common flaw I see in many home studios and it spells "Fire Hazard". don't forget to invest in that as well.
hey blueprint...sorry about my name. it was given to me when i was born naked and slippery without a cent and even a pocket to put it in...it is not reflecting my monetary status whatsoever.
and yes - i have a wife who used to be my girlfriend - and yes, she is a dreamgirl...
on the solutions i am not sure what you want me to do.
i know a friend of mine who dampended reflections by hanging a thick canvas painting on the trouble wall. not as absorbant as an auralex but it helped him without costing a bomb...and the painting was "approved" by his better half.
but since you done all the "gobo DIY googling" you already know the stuff... ;-)
pardon my ignorance on possibility of such a unique spelling for a name for real, it's nice to know another statistic of successful marriage when dealing with a workaholic-like hobby as an audio/music enthusiast.

lets hear some $numbers and real solutions since you spoke easy. how much was that painting and where from? Ikea? I'd really like to know and i'm sure i'm not the only one. Cos DIY Gobos don't work out as efficiently or the cons outweigh the pros in general.
lets hear some $numbers and real solutions since you spoke easy. how much was that painting and where from? Ikea?

u gotta be kiddin' ??!

so as for conclusion i take it u prefer not so good monitors to good monitors since you find it unnecessary to at least try to treat your room....

good luck with your projects - and end of discussion.....
nope no kidding, you conclude wrong, I've tried working with a pair of Mackie HR824 in a friend's untreated hdb room (and tried treating DIY) and in one that's treated (in a pro studio) in 2005 and I learned that whats most important is you need is a good pair of well maintained ears and monitors that don't lie and in my case I use multiple everyday listening medium to finalize stuff.. however monitors' truth gets twisted if you don't treat the room. and the monitors itself is $$$, the treatment itself is $$$. I prefer cheaper monitor headphones as solution, eat grass for a year, save up and one shot splurge on monitor speakers and proper professional treatment.

because the threadstarter states a budget of $800 below excluding the others, and i suggest that he go for headphone monitoring if he doesn't have the luxury of great monitors and great treatment esp the budget.

So if you have stated how there's many methods through google but all of them cost money anyway (and I said earlier firehazards) , I'd like to hear your cost EFFECTIVE solutions cos I have none with a budget under $800 excluding purchase of other mics with a list of how much it can cost for
1) what's considered good monitors and how much is it
2) what's effective diy gobos and how much are the materials, what kind of hazards/side effects would there be, like how rockwool links with some cancer etc.

so that's the dollars and cents backing statement I'd very much wish to see. cos if that art piece alone cost lets say $300 (I do appreciate art paintings and have one limited edition custom painted favourite myself) then that pretty much ends your discussion.

you can hear my works on my site, I don't need "luck" in mixes. I just need good weather (I pray for all of us often in this freak weather frenzy), good health (can't record vocals with flu) and good habits (of backing up data/projects).


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