What things to buy along with a NEW Electric Guitar?


New member
Hi.. New to electric guitar here.. Pardon some of my "beginner questions".. I own an acoustic guitar, and the basic things that one would find with a acoustic guitar.. A tuner for tuning my guitar, a cleaning cloth for cleaning my guitar, a whole lot of picks and a basic guitar bag for carrying my guitar around..

I've more or less decided on which guitar and amp to get already.. Now I need some advice on what to get along with the guitar and amp..

1) When buying an E guit, do they provide a gig bag along with it? Paid for my guitar bag when I 1st bought my acoustic at Davis.. The bag is worth it la.. Really can last.. If they don't provide, I'd save up more to get a Hardcase.. Don't want to have to carry the guitar back home in its cardboard box wrapping.. Haha..

2) The cable to plug the E guit into the amp must buy separately or does it come along with either the guitar or amp?

3) The tuner.. Does an E guit use another completely different type of tuner or can we like use the acoustic tuner for the E guit too?

4) Maintenance products.. Any recommendation? Lemon oil? I heard about it.. How to use it? Also.. Polish for the nice glossy finish of the Body of most guitars? What brand and where to get?

I'm also intending to get a guitar stand and headphone.. But that I also have some ideas in mind le.. Of course, I also remembered the strap.. Just curious, anyone know where to get some super comfortable padded straps? Also.. Amp stands.. Never seen those things around as yet, all I can see all the time is guitar stands.. Anywhere sell these helpful little things? Cause I'm getting a smaller amp for home practice, don't want to have to bend down all the time to change some settings..

5) Is there anything else I need to take note of?

Thanks a bunch for advices in advance!!! :D:D:D
Hi. Yes guitar is good. Electric guitar? Even better...

My opinion on your questions:

1. The guitar may or may not come with a bag. Try ask for one if you can. If not, just get one. Personally I feel that hardcase is extreme for day to day usage. Lugging one hardcase around isn't fun and you might get pissed off at its weight. Bag for me ^^

2. The cable, once again may or may not come with your guitar or amp... Try ask for one, if not, you have to buy one..

3. The electric guitar probably can use the same tuner as your acoustic, especially those with an 1/4" input.

4. Lemon oil, polishes are unnecessary at the start. Maybe a few months into playing you feel that you would want to give your guitar some must deserved care and concern, thats when you can think about these maintenance products. Do read up beforehand if a particular product is suitable for your guitar (e.g. No lemon oil on naked maple)

4.5. K&M guitar stands for the win! @ Sweelee. For headphones, must sure that your amp have a headphone jack or else... Try mono straps at city music. Expensive but comfortable. wtf is amp stand lol... just use a stool chair or table... I myself put my synthesizer on a stool

5. Please research on what guitar you really want. Try to futureproof it a little... I love my first guitar, and I still do use it

Have fun
There are some starter package electrics that will give you a set of accessories with your guitar ie bag, amp, cable, strap etc etc