what songs do you listen to at night?

the who
zeppelin (song remains the same concert)
pink floyd
marty fiedman
john butler trio
iggy pop
I can't listen to any music if I'm trying to catch up on sleep. Yes! It's always a catch up thing when it comes to sleep.

Recently, I've been listening to Los Lonely Boys' Grammy Winning Album/CD and my own stuff - just in case I forget my licks. ;-)

But I never manage to fall asleep. So i will have to take a few steps to switch it off. Seriously though, I can't sleep if my mind's hooked up to some tune.
judaspiss said:

Chris Cornell's Euphoria Morning album has a good late-night vibe type of thing to listen to.
In fact, I think he should've called it Euphoria Evening.

dudE!!! where u bought that!! i've been searching for it for ages!!!
Hard to Concentrate - Red Hot Chili Peppers

Art of Life,Longing,Forever Love,Crucify My Love,Endless Rain,Kurenai - X Japan

Nymphetamine (Fix),Swansong for a Raven,Hallowed be Thy Name(Shallow be thy grave),Her Ghost in the Fog - Cradle of Filth

Nemo - Nightwish

Silver and Cold - AFI

Stairway to Heaven - Led Zeppelin.
if u turn on the music, then who will swith it off after u slept while listning to it. do u really listen to them when sleeping? kinda bullshit. all i do is lie down and close my eyes and sleep.... i dont have to listen to fierce music or feel music-y to sleep. weird lah... but all of u will say personal preference.. so yeah...-___-''

I would listen to:

1. Neil Young - Silver & Gold

2. Led Zeppelin - That's The Way

3. Peter Frampton - Just The Time of Year (currently my favourite song)

4. Pink Floyd - Money

5. Yes - And You & I

Got no gf so got no one to listen to panting or whatever :roll:
Erm.. Not every night I get to use the sound system in my living room. So tonight I'm listening to Iron Maiden Greatest Hits in stereo and surround. Whoo.. (okay nvm)
ironcross said:
if u turn on the music, then who will swith it off after u slept while listning to it. do u really listen to them when sleeping? kinda bullshit. all i do is lie down and close my eyes and sleep.... i dont have to listen to fierce music or feel music-y to sleep. weird lah... but all of u will say personal preference.. so yeah...-___-''
Its true lah.. Just close your eyes and you will eventually go to sleep.. If cannot, u really got a problem.. No need fierce musick coz nobody will turn it off after u fall asleep..

for me, when i on my computer at night,
usually listen to ballads. for e.g tonight is Valentine by Martina McBride & Jim Brickman and Back to one by brian mcknight.
i like to listen to songs that make me feel emo, especially on sleepless nights. makes me think alot, mostly abt my past. haha

currently i juz cant stop repeating warmness on the soul-avenged sevenfold, and blind-lifehouse when i cant sleep.