What is the cheapest Schecter Guitars at G77???


New member
Just Wondering....just 13 yrs old here....What Schecter Guitars is the cheapest at G77???What model is it???And is the sound of the guitars sounds good???Do they sell Avenged Sevenfold Custom Guitars???Coz i lile A7X :D

if im not mistaken the cheapest ones there are the omen extreme and 006 deluxe.cant really remember. the price written on em was $499 and $599 if im not mistaken.schecters are good buys.too bad they had no newer models when i went down.wouldve loved a whilte c-1 8) .anyway, they dont have any Avenged sevenfold models there but u can speak to them about ordering one i guess.
the A7X ones are high 1k if i remember correctly cos someone specially ordered it,the zacky vaneance one is cheaper if i not wrong
yup 499 for the omens
mines the fixed bridge version(399). dont think they have that alr

haha i got a Schecter cos of ax7 too in the past!

you might wanna look at other guitars first though
wah dood, dun go for schecters just cause they are cheap, go for their tone larhs.

once again in repeating, there isn't gonna be any schecter stock anytime soon and theres like no news on it for a very long time.

whats left now are the old schecter omens, extreme 006 and extreme temptest. there is also one or two C1 EXOTICS. please dun mix up exotics with EXOTIC STAR
quote re_unknown : wah dood, dun go for schecters just cause they are cheap, go for their tone larhs

hahaha... i guess he's going 4 lower end guitars coz he's just 13 years of age, as he mentioned. perhaps tone and all other aspects of a good guitar will matter to him more in future.

cheers to an a7x fan! :twisted: