What happens if you snap a string while testing a guitar at a shop?


New member
I'm curious. Will they tell you to buy a new guitar or buy a new pack of strings or say "never mind" and black list you?

Anyone encountered this before?
they have individual guitar strings, the cost for them to replace 1 string is negligible. anyway it depends on the shop's "company policy"
it happened to me and the staff just laughed it off and we exchanged pointers about geetaring.

one of my better experiences at sweelee, pity ive only seen that guy once
some of the strings on the guitars have been there for ages and their rusty. sometimes it's really not the buyers fault.
I think they would ask you to buy a new pack of strings AND pay for the service of restringing them.

and I'll make sure I won't be visiting that shop anymore. (but i've nv exp this before so...)

If I handled the guitar roughly, then I probably should pay up.
But if the guitar has poor set-up OR the string is OLD, then the shopkeeper should already know the poor-made of this manufactured.

Well, I'm sure there are many kind shops around. (of course, if i drop the guitar and caused a dent, i'd be expecting myself carrying that baby home, whether i like it or not.. hahaha)
I think they would ask you to buy a new pack of strings AND pay for the service of restringing them.

huhu? hehe? haha? pay for the service of restringing just 'a' string? very unlikely to happen in sg unless they are really stingy. they would maybe ask you to pay the cost of one string or they don't mind.
LOL, worst case scenario they make you buy the guitar.

"Sir, as you know that the strings are part of the guitar. Snapping or breaking the string is as good as snapping or breaking the guitar, thus you are to purchase the guitar."

"WHAT THE *bleep*!?"

Now that would be shocking...
I feel that it's the shop's responsibility to restring the instrument should the strings rust and decay. But if the strings are new, I do agree that we ought to pay for snapping the string.

I dunno but I feel that if an instrument lover wants to work in a music store, they should restring the instrument once in awhile. I saw a very nice guitar somewhere but the strings are old and rusty, but yet it plays beautifully. I wonder, if the strings are new and seasoned, it'd sound so much sweeter.
it happens everyday, just not to the same people. since the guitars are there in open space for long periods of time without regular maintainance it's only normal that any given day a string would break. unless they were all stringed on the same day and someone snapped them the next day. people come and go, test the guitars, natural degradation of the strings, they're bound to break. the shop should not make you pay for the strings.