What do you think of SANS AMP?


New member
Has any one here tried it? I've been told its great, maybe I'd like to get one but I don't know where where its being sold. and I'd like to get ur input :)
Its great man! Wonderful tones out of it IMHO..

U wanna hear a sample of what I could get out of it u listen to the soft jam.. That was played with a GT2!

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
im thinking of getting one too

can you get very heavy distortion from it, say like slayer kinda heavy chugachug distortion?
Yup u can!

Its a real versatile piece of equipment~ Cant jam/gig without it! Hehe...

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
esden trading at sim lim square 3rd level, the place where they sell mesa rectifiers and suzuki guitars, they sell GT2 for around 240. Check out that place.
esden has the cheapest GT2. but i saw guitar workshop also selling about $268. whatever, still cheaper than sinamex...
ooh tri-ac so cheap? Mr_X said gt-2 at esden cost oni 240..and tri-ac 10bucks more 8O

btw..whats the diff with tri-ac and gt-2? other than it can save your settings..tonewise?