Interesting topic, but very difficult question to answer...
Of course there's a marked difference in the sonic characters between a digital and analog recordings/equipmnt. Some say sterile vs warmth, clean vs dirty, perfect vs unpolished, and so on... But really, really impossible to nail in words.
I'll reference these albums for comparison (though my choice is definitely debatable to most):
Primus - Brown Album
very analog sounding, lots of fuzziness to the overall sound. the drums even sounds distorted at times. love it that way. a very DELICIOUS album.. not sure if Les' studio is digital or analog though.
Lenny Kravitz - Are You Gonna Go My Way
this is definitely analog. my ears says so too! Kravitz claimed he recorded this album in a purely analog studio. very, very, nice sounding album... LOVE the vibe, the "oldness" and smokiness of the overall album.
Megadeth - Countdown To Extinction
my ears scream digital here. very, very CLEAN. every note, thud, sound is clear+transparent. i find this album really perfect, soundwise, production wise. love this album too.
There, if you manage to get hold of those albums and take a listen and compare them, maybe it will tell the story a bit. Or maybe not... like i said, its a very difficult question to answer! :mrgreen: