but the difference i'm talking about.. k i be more specific;
directed to some listeners who diss the pop scene just because of the "pop"ularity.. yknow?.. like the whole misconception that if it's more indie/underground, it's more "quality"... then the anti-mtv stuff comes up..
not fair lor cos some pop music not bad. then the poor balding composers behind.. say.. madonna's music all.. their music kena dissed for nothing..
so sad right..
just that when i read joshie's comment.. like.. "mtv crap" and "broadening music variety.." on the same line, i a bit confused..
think he referred to the general population growing up on mtv-'crap' and they should listen to the non-mtv stuff to broaden music variety.. (which confused me also considering mtv play a variety of genres to some degree.. i donno lah)
if i was brought up listening to rock, i'll broaden my music variety by listening to mtv-crap..
you know? am i talking crap yet?

why not say like.. "the one-note-drone-song-with-lyrics-about-bunnies" suck! or something. don't generalise ah. maybe i took it that way, kena misinterpreted.. if i did, sorry!! ...
k seperate topic;
i'm not saying honey tastes close to sour plum.. i tasted both, i think they're completely far off :? jus saying that maybe we should have two tongues; one to appreciate honey, one to drink sour plum in case you're on a long bus trip and feel like vomitting.. sour plum helps you know? but after vomitting right... can eat honey, cos good to soothe the throat...
everyone's idea of "goodness" is diff what.. maybe for those popsicles, that's their idea of "goodness"..
everyone works on their own ears and brain signals
if you think there's a barbfence between the two goodnesses, then by all means to each his own lah..
i'm just another passing popsicle-leadhead in the form of a herb..