New member
+ I heard that you can combine scales to play nicer stuff.
I don't get it @_@
+ I heard that you can combine scales to play nicer stuff.
I don't get it @_@
scales are for you to play. LOL
The key centre of C Major is C. To put it simply, C Major only consists of the notes CDEFGAB, so any other notes outside the scale, like maybe F#, might sound wrong.
Basic chords are structured using the scales and let me just use C Major scale for example.
C E G - major chord/C being the tonic note
D F A - minor chord/D being the supertonic note
E G B - minor chord/E being the mediant note
F A C - major chord/F being the sub-dominant note
G B D - major chord/G being the dominant note
A C E - minor chord/A being the sub-mediant note
B D F - diminished chord/B being the leading note
As you can see, all the basic chords in a C Major scale only uses the notes from C Major scale. But, of course, that's not always the case. For example, you might find a Gmaj7 chord[G B D F#] in a song which is primarily in C Major.
However, the above illustration only works for major scales and the same rule works for ALL major scales.