what are orange drop?


New member
hi another noob question by me. T_T

what are orange drops? and what is the use of it in guitars? i've been hearing alot of these in the forums and some gig players i hang out with.
hmm.. so its just basically some cap. that does .. ? cause i've read up and like people say that there are difference with normal stock caps and these orange drops. can anyone provide an audio sample / video that can show me that there is really a change as in for better and not worse. :mrgreen:
Just before you ask the next question WITHOUT EVEN LOOKING AT THE SEARCH FUNCTION. You can get them at beez. Who is located at east coast.
Standard Value, Mike does a great job, alot of good reviews about there :mrgreen: It takes you less than 15mins to get it onto ur guitar..

BTW how to overwrite/ rename the url link like PatheinRaindropMoe did? :mrgreen:
if some google search was done, the info would present by itself...

Mfd, aka microfarad, is the unit of capacitance. Just like for length, its millimeter, centimeter, meter, kilometer etc

pico, micro etc, is the measurement to how many decimal points

the 600v, is the voltage rating of the cap. 600v is the maximum limit of the thing. Passing beyond 600v thru the cap, you will create firework out of the cap. Any voltage below 600v passing thru is within the allowable operating range of the cap.

in comparison, in geetar wiring circuit. The amount of voltage that the capcitor is "seeing", its in the range of millivolt. Theres no point to lost sleep over voltage rating in geetar circuit, its almost as good as using a 20 storey building to avoid the rain when an umbrella can do the same thing..

the voltage rating can be ignored when dealing with geetar work in general. Just need to know the value of the cap. The material and value of it are the factors that determined the slight different in sound. The rest...? Heh, mojo talk and marketing.
thanks pat... im staring at my fender single coil pickup wires now
there are 2 wires, 1 color to the switch selector & other 1 black to pot..
which position pup shud i solder to the mid tone pot with orange cap or to last tone pot?
Solder the orange drop as in the diagram below.


Just replace the stock cap with the orange cap ;)
thanks ryanz & subvervion...
do u happen to have refernce pic of wires frm pups to the switch & pots
oh haha.. my bad, coincidentally was looking at some gibson robot earlir on..
ryanz i lov u.. im rewiring back stock fender pups 2 wires.. ok appreciate it, needed a quick guide..

thanks again now back to work..
