We've got cookies & we're forming an Indie band!


New member
Hey guys, I'm Matt, 19 and currently in TP, going into year 3.
Basically, me and a buddy of mine, who's in NP, are forming an Indie band.
Our influences include The Strokes, Arctic Monkeys, Muse, Incubus, The Black Keys, Arcade Fire, Bloc Party, Nirvana.
We're open to playing straight up indie rock, or slightly more pop sounding like The Smiths & some indie folk like Bon Iver.
Currently, I'm the guitarist/songwriter and my other bandmate is the drummer.

We're looking for a guitarist (lead or rhythm), bassist, vocalist, male or female may apply.
If you're into writing songs, thats a real plus.
We're really trying to take this as far as we possibly can, so expect recording and going on gigs.

Contact me by dropping an email at mattstrumm@gmail.com & yes, I do check it regularly.

Thank you!
Props for more Indie bands in the scene! Really hard to find indie bands nowadays and even harder to source for gigs lol