to draconis infernum, thanks for a great opening set, you guys sound killer man, the old skool black metal feeling suddenly rush back to my head, very enthroned man!!hailz!! thanks for staying for the rest of the band guys
You're very much welcome!!! In fact, on behalf of my warkomrades I'd like to extend my utmost gratitude to all of you, the organizing teams, the other bands, and most importantly, the crowd who did not desert an opening band, every single one of you who MADE A POINT TO COME AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE JUST SO YOU COULD SEE US AND LEND US YOUR SUPPORT!!! This show is NOTHING without every single one of YOU!!! Thank you very much for everything, from the headbanging, to the chanting, and to helping Xeper fix his guitar towards the end! Kassim (Death Defyerz) & friends, I saw you right at the front! Thanks for all the support guys!!! And I actually saw some of you guys in the crowd singing along the songs and shouting out the lyrics! That was awesome!
I could go on forever, but I shall not bore you any longer. Thank you very fvckin' much!!! Hope to see you guys again on the 10th of January at The Arts House. Till then, keep it extreme always!!! See you next year!!!
Bestial Regards,
Serberuz Hammerfrost
Draconis Infernum