Welcome to the Slaughterhouse Massacre Part 2, 27/12/08

to draconis infernum, thanks for a great opening set, you guys sound killer man, the old skool black metal feeling suddenly rush back to my head, very enthroned man!!hailz!! thanks for staying for the rest of the band guys

You're very much welcome!!! In fact, on behalf of my warkomrades I'd like to extend my utmost gratitude to all of you, the organizing teams, the other bands, and most importantly, the crowd who did not desert an opening band, every single one of you who MADE A POINT TO COME AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE JUST SO YOU COULD SEE US AND LEND US YOUR SUPPORT!!! This show is NOTHING without every single one of YOU!!! Thank you very much for everything, from the headbanging, to the chanting, and to helping Xeper fix his guitar towards the end! Kassim (Death Defyerz) & friends, I saw you right at the front! Thanks for all the support guys!!! And I actually saw some of you guys in the crowd singing along the songs and shouting out the lyrics! That was awesome!

I could go on forever, but I shall not bore you any longer. Thank you very fvckin' much!!! Hope to see you guys again on the 10th of January at The Arts House. Till then, keep it extreme always!!! See you next year!!!

Bestial Regards,
Serberuz Hammerfrost
Draconis Infernum
kudos to the organisers and the crews of SHM.. you did a great job. theres no level of "stress" environment going on yesterday. even though theres tech difficulties etc, the remedy flows smoothly and everything is back to its pieces. very well execute and it was a success indeed. awesome job.!..

kudos to the organisers and the crews of SHM.. you did a great job. theres no level of "stress" environment going on yesterday. even though theres tech difficulties etc, the remedy flows smoothly and everything is back to its pieces. very well execute and it was a success indeed. awesome job.!..


Your anger could be heard yesterday in those mass of people. Haha. But that time I saw a Devourment shirt at Bugis Village. Lol.
to naomi watts- thanks bro for the complement, glad you could came down to support. thanks dude and say thanks to your gf=)

to rot- thanks for the comments and thanks for making an effort to come down with your gf as well..

thanks guys, thanks draconis for the comment, thanks everyone!!=)

We really appreciate every single contribution from everyone who is there to support.
E.r.i.s is damn awesome.!!even though got some tech problem

Draconis inferium u guys wows me with ur blackmetal is krieg.and cider i find him damn awesome with his vocal range,the drummer to was damn awesome also

Vulgate Dogmas ....the bassist and drummer just blows my mind away.

Obscure Phionix.u guys are great.....:). but i cant judge u guys cause im with the band :) all i can say thanks to everyone that supported us.....!!!!
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Yesterday was damn awesome. All the bands performed yesterday are tight. Really enjoyed myself man..headbanging till my neck hurts today. Great crowd man. Seriously the crowd yesterday are really outgoing. Its not like I have to wait for someone to initiate, everyone wss really having fun. :cool: cool gig! haha
E.r.i.s is damn awesome.!!even though got some tech problem

Draconis inferium u guys wows me with ur blackmetal is krieg.and cider i find him damn awesome with his vocal range,the drummer to was damn awesome also

Vulgate Dogmas ....the bassist and drummer just blows my mind away.

Obsuce Phionix.u guys are great.....:). but i cant judge u guys cause im with the band :) all i can say thanks to everyone that supported us.....!!!!

Obsuce?????? haha. typo ah bro? Obscure laaa...:)
Hey guys, on behalf of Death Defyerz, we'd just like to thank everyone who made it to the gig, quite a small crowd but hey we had fun. To Man-Obscure, hey bro thanx alot for being in front, was happy to see lots of smiling faces especially from Qhai and EJ, I almost laughed on stage when I saw them goin nutts hahaha! To all the other bands, Great job! Keep it up with the Awesome music!

Defy it all!,Cheerz Everyone!

-Brutal Hybrid (Vox)
First of all on behalf of Vulgate Dogmas and Shadows Embrace, we would like to thank those who were involve in the making the gig happened. From the people who were handling the ticket sales at the door to all the way down to the guys who made sure that there was sound coming out from the monitors. You know who you are. Kudos to everyone. Even though Every Rage I Seek had a problem with the mic, the guys from The End Recordings definitely knew what they were doing and managed to solve the problem. And just in time for Every Rage I Seek to finish up their set with two f**king pummeling songs. Which I enjoyed very much.

Man from Obscure Phionix was definitely the brain child of this whole operation. And also the never ending support from his girl, Meow and the rest of his bandmates is quite inspiring. Just a basic idea and a whole lot of faith, Slaughterhouse Massacre has finally had it's sequel. Who knows, if all goes well, there might even be a third...

For the overall crowd, I'm pretty much satisfied. Honestly I don't remember a band performing to nobody on that day. From the opening Draconis Infernum all the way to the last band Nafrat. Every band had their crowd. IMO is what should happen in most gigs in Singapore. Regardless of their genre. Just experiencing what the band or the gig has to offer.

Initially I did wanted to write something about the bands but I'm feeling very lazy right now hahah. Gone were the days of Pure-Rock when there were gig reviewers. Who diligently went down to gigs and took shots or videos of an event and the day after, a review. Haha. But I did saw a few hardworking camera man/woman. There was this dude who took shots of every band. Is he even paid? Haha.

Ok I'm out of words. Peace.
Man from Obscure Phionix was definitely the brain child of this whole operation.

first of all, its not me alone dude, its every single 1 of us, i bow down to you guys ei, especially to meow cause she is the 1 who handle the admin stuff. ideas too came from everyone of us eh. yup you guys deserved the credits as well. =) total respect to the team..=)
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Awesome show! One of the best i've ever been to. All the bands were so good.

On behalf of Helmskey, thanks to everyone who watched us and moshed. From someone who came from a scene that was not so great, it was a pleasure to play for a packed house with an energetic crowd. I hope the following year passes very soon so we can do part 3 again!

Anyway, lets get some pics up!
Hi Guys, we personally would like to say thanks again to everyone of you guys that came to support the event, the guest bands and all the crew, and of course TEAM SHM. It is an honour to work with all you guys.

A local magazine, actually have interviewed me and man on behalf of Team SHM for an overview of SHM08. We might be featured in the magazine which will be launched in Feb09. Thanks guys for the really great teamwork in making this gig a successful one. We really appreciate every single effort that has been contributed. Lets keep the passion alive.

From the heart.

Meow n Man
hi guys great kick ass show, anyway 1stly we would like to thank the organising team for a kick ass show, to mil and his band elegy, thanks for the support and thanks for the great show man, you guys deserved the respect man, thanks for being part of the org team, get well soon!!

Yo bro, thx man..Yea we had fun too man!
On behalf of Elegy for Eulisza cheers to all the bands who put up a kick-ass show, the crews and ppl hu came!! Vulgate Dogmas sick ah u guys!! woohoo!!Yo Man (O.P)!! hopefuli we can work things out wif da split nex yr eh!!
As for the guy goin around taking photos, damn! he's one hell of a hard working photographer! the dude was running all over the place getting shots from different angles and all, Cheerz to him! as for Vheissu, Randy Bhythe eh? haha! thanx for the comment bro! Cheerz man! n to Qhai Obscure, Damn! I didn't get the chance to kidnap you that day... I'll be watching you! hahahaha!:D

Cheerz Everyone!