we are no more


Well-known member
Hi ya friends, stalkers & countrymen...

SYNE OF TYME will be doing a 1 set showcase at the grand opening of the club CROSSROADS on Tuesday 25 July 2006. It's located at Orchard Towers, level 2, Annex B (the back building).

Since its grand opening shud have makan..?

If U guys free, come on down...

Cheers and "break a leg" to Speedway and all the other bands doing this gig!

Hi Fgl,
Did you mention Speedway? Is this the same Speedway that used to played at the Rainbow at Ming Archade years ago.

one & only speedway fronted by PATRICK LEE, also Heritage & other bands will be performing as well...
well " Break a leg" then SOT i am sure you guys will have a blast sharing the stage with all these great bands , might come down if I am free

A VERY BIG THANK YOU to all our kakis who came down last night - hope U all enjoyed the free food & booze....

It was certainly a KICK ASS event and it was great playing alongside some of SG's premier bands including SPEEDWAY, Heritage, Smackit and others...

Hope to see U guys there again the very near future!


FGL :lol: 8)
Hiya ppl,

Im pleased to annouce that SYNE OF TYME will be performing at the CROSSROADS club at Orchard Towers, level two, Annex B (the old Ginivy's bar) every WED & FRI night. Kick off is at 9pm.

We will be alternating sets with the legends of Rock - SPEEDWAY!

Come on down for a tall cool one and for some of the BEST Rock, Rock & roll, Blues & Motown stuff!

Cheers & cya there...
Thanks to all kakis who came down :lol: - and those who didnt (U know who U are... :x ) come on down FRI ngt then... 8)

Crazy jam session we had last night with Wilson David (Elvis of Singapore) and Moses Vadham (Gingerbread) ... :?

chhers 8)
thanx ramius32 - so do Speedway & the other acts...more to come from what I understand...
snuffleupagus said:
today you all playing ah?

Drinks expensive or not? :D

yep 1st set 1015pm - no cover - nice ambience...$10 per mug of beer (for those old enough to drink that is) ... I know a lotta minors here...hahaha

Cya around soon bro...
Hey ho ppl, SOT will be doin Crossroads Fri nite kick off at 10pm....

This just MIGHT be the band's swan song as due to various issues, we may all go our seperate ways soon....

Come on down & give us a rousing send off ya?

Hi ppl, friends, stalkers & country men...

SOT still just about hanging in there - as a 3 pc for now and we are doing Terry's Tavern at Katong Village Tues ngt 15 Aug - kick off at 9pm ... check it out!

boogieman - Mal's outta town till end Aug so we're gonna chill from Crossroads for a while - we doing Teryy's as a 3 pc power trio and see what happens from there on....

Saxaphone player's real BZ with work and schedules for the rest of the guys a bit tite as well so...it was inevitable...


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