wat pick ups and strings should i get for my jazz bass


New member
i currently have a squire jazz bass.i want to replace the pick ups and strings.Any recommendations?and gimme the location of the places i can get em.and also any of u guys no wats up with the tone control?when turn it up by abit whenever i touch my strings i have a crackling noise. sorry for being a noob. so enlighten me guys.

For strings. Get DR bass strings. Never let u down man. Go Davis and buy.
Another alternative brand Dunlop, can get from Yamaha. cheaper. But so far DR strings always make bassist play with contentment.

For pickups, best is get from Cherns at http://rdmgear.com/

nordstrand pickups will not disappoint u. But every cent every quality. Good stuff not cheap. He can even help u install but installation charge quite cheap from what i know.

replacement budget

where can i get the strings from?uhm for the pickups i am not sure how much they will cost, and i am not sure how much i should spend.lemme remind ya'll i am a beginner so i am not sure if i hsould by very very very good pickups straight away
the pickups

being a beginner and all do u guys think its wise to go straight for norstrand?or are there other pickups which are meant for a total beginner like me
For strings. Get DR bass strings. Never let u down man. Go Davis and buy.
Another alternative brand Dunlop, can get from Yamaha. cheaper. But so far DR strings always make bassist play with contentment.

i just met a chap couple of days ago who was saying that 4-string DR sets were damn hard to find... seems like only 5-string sets are available. unless you like the colour coated strings
everything here

ah ill look for the strings.for the pickups ill look for cheap ones.AND OMG I DIDNT KNOW PEOPLE IN SINGAPORE LSTENED TO FUGAZI.i could never find anyone.if i am not wrong davis guitar might sell the set of 4 bass strings.i dont mind coloured ones tho unless they are very different compared to the regular ones
If you're upgrading to cheap pickups, is that still considered an upgrade? ;)

Honestly, I'd recommend you to save the money on the "cheap" pickups and save up for better ones once you have a better understanding of what you're trying to achieve tonally, and how the different factors (e.g. strings, pickups, wood, bridge, nut material, terraferrous-fluctuations...) affect that.

Changing your strings is usually a good place to start :D
Thumbs up to Cherns. Upgrading pickups are more different. As having a good pick up lasts you great tones for a couple of years. Its worth a good investment.Save more then upgrade if ur pickups are still serviceable. When they are down, ur savings should be handy for an ultimate tone upgraded pickups.
dr strings and fugazi

OMG today i went hunting for the strings and davis is all out.and all other shops dont have dr bass strings.sigh ill just have to wait for the next shipment by davis.FUGAZI PLAT IN A CC? OMG 10 years back i was 7 years old .lol.i dont think fugazi started emo or watever its called.to me its a class on its own.BUT A CC? U GOTTA BE KIDDING ME.lol.if anyone finds the strings pls do tell me.ill rush there,wherever it is n get em on the same day itself.and thanks for the help guys.ill be totally lost without this
Ya man.... DR strings Hi-beams always sold out. been happening frequent. I got no choice but to use DR black beauties first. Extra life. So use longer.....very high demand DR strings.