War Ensemble on youtube!


New member
Here's a clip of War Ensemble playing Lamb Of God's The Subtle Arts Of Murder And Persuasion at the recent Metal Wars 2.
Just type this in the search box: 'Lamb of God - cover song'.

If in any case the search fails, you can continue porn-surfing as usual.

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My assocciate told me there's a slight amendment in the search title.
Try: 'Cover song from lamb of god'

Hope this works.
If not I'll film myself playing that song with my acoustic guitar sitting on the toilet bowl and post it on youtube. And I'll name it - 'Down The Tubes'.

If you know what I'm saying.

Goddamn I'm so funny.
Apparently nobody can find the video.
Not even Chris Angel or the CIA.
So alternatively, you can view the ultra, elusive footage at:

Pls enquire Mr Haizad if there are problems.
Many apologies for the screw ups.

Purplehaze3691, lets put the footage of me in the toilet seat belting out blaring metal tunes in the backburner for a while. As exciting as it sounds, I don't want to outshine Lamb of God and put them out of business. :D
Thanks for the link 3notesAbar.
Vocal styles are subjected to individual's preferences I guess. But any band that can play and perform in a tight, clean, controlled and precised delivery gets my respect..
Is this that hardcore german band?

looks weird seeing LoG played on a strat aswell.

wish the vocals were clearer but judos to anyone who can play log riffs.
Now YOu've Got Something to DIe For!!!!!!!! HAil War Ensemble......Man JUstin and Brandon Never fails to entertain!!!!!!!!!!

The vocals i think is trying to impersonate Randall Blythe!!!

Love you guys to the max man!!!!!!!

Hail True Metal!!!!!

Go get Killedelphia!!!!!!!!!!!!
nitrovo said:
Is this that hardcore german band?

looks weird seeing LoG played on a strat aswell.

wish the vocals were clearer but judos to anyone who can play log riffs.

i think you're thinking of
Es War Einmal
L.O.G Killadelphia: man, I've not stop listening to the album since I bought it a month ago. Solid album. Listened to it while in public transport, while I'm doing my office work, before sleep, whilst surfing unhealthy website,.
Eat, Sleep, Killadelphia, Work...repeat cycle.
Wonder if they got more clips of the gig..i would be interested in getting a copy of it!
I hope to see them play again when I'm back in town...........

Black Label! Black Label! Black Label!!!!!!

War Ensem! War Ensem! War Ensem!!
wat i meant was a metaphor!!!!!!!

Like as in now you got something to die for......to die for what war ensem is pulling off, with reference to another infamous LOG song.......DUH....
It's a sweet vid.
But I got kinda bored after a while, even though I am a fan or LOG.

My favourite album has to be As the Palaces Burn. :wink:

And I was wondering (I don't own Killadelphia) if some of the tracks on it, 'As the Palaces Burn' etc, are the same ones found on the other albums.
Or are they complete new remakes, or whatever?[/i]