Want to do a TS9->808 ++ ?


New member
Hi guys, has always been pretty fustrated with the original TS9 sound after bought it many years ago. Chucked it aside after using it for a while gathering dusts, until recently that is.Whereby acquired a Blackstar HT5... Hmm..let's give the TS9 a go again? that's where the magical tone supposed to be, infront of a all tube amp...

Plug in and fiddled with it , still no good for any rock on the heavier side and certainly not to my taste. Finally decided to pick up the soldering iron, (after all been a electronic engineer for so many years, why not?) and did the 808 mod(4558) and more (mainly on increasing the gain without affecting the tone too much). And after quite a few rounds and weeks of tweaking with actual critical hearing tests, walah! now that's more like it!!

The more i played with it, the more i fell in love with the tone, especially infront of the all tube Blackstar HT5 head. Now from a chucked aside underneath the cupboard pedal, it's now my all time OD/distortion favorite..

As such, thought i could extend the above for fellow Softies with their frustrated TS9/TS7 etc..but hopefully for a appropriate fee lah ( for the time/parts/soldering etc).

Not sure anyone would be interested? of course what works for me might not be for you, have recorded some sound clips as well, might email/post if interested.
thanks for viewing!
Don't know man, a stock Ibanez TS9 is great and all, but I wouldn't use a TS9 for more gain, I mean it was designed to push a overdriven amp to distortion, or to push a clean amp into a dirty sound.
Don't know man, a stock Ibanez TS9 is great and all, but I wouldn't use a TS9 for more gain, I mean it was designed to push a overdriven amp to distortion, or to push a clean amp into a dirty sound.

Agree man, but the 808 mod did removed the mid-bump that can get annoying and making the sound too "80s" for me.

As for the gain, i've tried put it to minimum and the level to maximum, though not a great clean boost , which i thought the Tube screamers can never do and not suppose to do anyway, it still gives me the push to the input of the amp, the touch is more sensitive.And of course, with the amp distorted, the push can make your solo sing quite a bit.
Basically, with the gain mod, if i require, i can still get a considerable amount of OD (think AC/DC ), almost like a distortion , in one pedal, instead of GASing for another pedal(Cheapo, but considering the price of the "boutique pedals" nowadays..).

Down side is at high gain, the noise level is more noticeable, which seems unavoidable.
...what did you actually do for the 808 mod ?

Milking too much gain grom a single chip = fail

When i think of AC/DC ...i see a non master JTM45 on full tilt .... so i am surprised you can push a modded ts9 to achive that ...?!!