wah pedal..

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Hmm,... I guess Morley? The one cliff burton used. Duno wad model heh, sry >.< Davis sells some, can go check it out.
hmm..any other wah pedals??

i want to find out abt as many as possible den i settle for 1..
how about Slash's dunlop crybaby wah? i'm sure it would do a great job on the bass too. hmm. this thread also got me GASing for a wah pedal.. :oops:
it doesnt rilli matter if it doesnt sound well on bass..cos im gonna get a guitar..so..in any case..it will have a use...hahahha..
Paul:that is not only a very well made site..but the pedals are sweeet....The George Dennis pedals are very affordable... :D gonna check out the soundclips soon...Do you use any personally? :wink:
On a standard vox or crybaby wah and probably some/most other wahs, changing one capacitor will make it in the range for bass.

You can even wire a selector switch such that it has an adjustable range suited for both guitar and bass. Similar to what the dunlop 535q has.
bluepowder said:
Paul:that is not only a very well made site..but the pedals are sweeet....The George Dennis pedals are very affordable... :D gonna check out the soundclips soon...Do you use any personally? :wink:

the soundclips are a good reference for the wah's freq sweep. my preference of natural more hi-mids, probably will work with wahs range. its on my 'must check-it-out' list. a contender for my pedal revival setup.
Z3r0_G said:
wahs dun really sound fantastic on bass imo. they dun cut the frequencies that well.

depends on how you use it bro...check out timmy c,the way he use his wah" pedal really brilliant,brilliant idea =)