wads the price of the cheapest acoustic guitar one can get?

thnx for mentioning, but a simple kapok would be ok.
my fren juzz want to try playing a guitar.
yeah, as long as he can learn the basics.
Kaye said:
hey hey there's this shop they sell guitars and sports accessories.. they have preetty decent guitars at really low prices, kapok also have. Erm.. is that that sweelee building.. but not sweelee la. the uncle is nice too.

Ranking Sports you mean? Same floor as Swee Lee I think.
hmmm...about the kapok being a malay word..i dunno..but it sure does exist in the Indonesian vocab..haha..yeahh...

never owned a kapok guitar before, but i had a not-so-bad yamaha FG series as my first acoustic... saved up for about 3 months for that...yeah...but it was worth it. Yupz... =P
I think its better to save a bit more n get a better one. Mainly cuz of 2 reason IMHO.

1. If u get a guitasr that is not playable, the build is bad n the sound suck. More often, its v difficult to play n sound gd on these. N when starting to learn, u will of course struggle at times, n these factors will make u wanna give up more.... Seen it happen b4 many times:)

2. If u improve over time, u will definitely wanna buy something better. So mite as well get a better one than kapok.

Im not saying buy a taylor or martin, but do look out of a well built guitar. I had a samick accoustic as my 1st for abt $215. It was not bad, n had a spruce top. I wld have kept playing it if it have not been dropped.
Dont waste ur money. Nvr waste money. An acoustic guitar below $60 will do just fine. Just dont go below $30, though a friend of mine who's the nxt Santana in spore plays his $25 nylon acoustic. As long as u can play, itz fine. Really fine. I dont know y ppl would waste over a hundred bucks on an acoustic. On an electric, i dont mind wasting grans. Bt for acoustic, unless u wanna b a classical classique who plays in grand concerts, do not waste money.
I think that only the person who buys it can decide if its wasting $ or not... Cuz only he knows what he is looking for. Like u i will pay more for a electric, but i know a guy who owns a few cool vintage electric but paid more for a taylor... n he is a electric guitarist...
Thtz what i meant. Bt this guy over here is lookin for a guitar just to start out on the instrument. No fancy fetish or anything, just wants to play.
yup... maybe i not so fortunate o find a gd accoustic guitar for under $60... lol. Am also looking for 1 currently... I tried my fren's Kapok n really its not worth it even if its cheap.

I think if the person wants to learn guitar, n not try out. Its better to get one that can last longer, instead of getting a lousy one then a few mths later change again. Thats more wasting $
Well my TGM is still in gd condition after 2 yrs. Itz been standing in a corner for over a yr n still no defect. Of course there r no strings. Bt all in all, some are worth it, while some r nt. I think cheap steel string guitars r bttr than cheap nylon string guitars, i think. I hav the gut feeling.
schred said:
Well my TGM is still in gd condition after 2 yrs. Itz been standing in a corner for over a yr n still no defect. Of course there r no strings. Bt all in all, some are worth it, while some r nt. I think cheap steel string guitars r bttr than cheap nylon string guitars, i think. I hav the gut feeling.

i haf a TGM too. its abt 4 yrs already and have been through some, really heavy conditions. its a good and long lasting guitar i tell you, considering that my little brother once stood on the back when it was on the floor. and its still in one piece. but, most of the sides' finishing is now chipped off. which brings me to another question.

can i like, paint/coat the chipped part of the guitar. lacquer? or some other method? juzz so the wood is not exposed.

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