Vox Amplification


New member
I know this maybe a pretty country biased question, but where are the current Vox AC series made in nowadays? All i know Vox is under Korg now.
I am hoping to purchase a Vox AC30CC2 soon. Not the AC30CC2X which is loaded with them kiler celestion blues.
Im currently looking for a great reliable amp for recording and also lasts long. Tested the AC30CC2 at blackwood last weekend and was astounded at the volume and tone of the amp.
Ive heard rumors that the AC30CC2 breaks down rather easily. I am just not sure if its true.
Whatever the case i have laid out my choices.

Roland JC120
Vox AC30CC2
Orange Rocker 30 head
Fender 65' Twin Reverb

Can anyone help me clear up the doubts about the Vox?
Gladly appreciates any help/advice given.
Thank you.
all made in china now, even the heritage models. you could try to score one of those miuk handwired ptp ac30s used. what are you looking for in the amp? do you like amp overdrive or do you use gain pedals? you would get the roland if you are using pedals for your tone primarily.

as for the ac30cc2, the main gripe i've been hearing about them is that it's really hard to access the innards for repair or mod purposes. only applies to the combo version. btw, i recently bought an ac30 heritage model. the ef86 channel is giving me problems, havent really troubleshooted yet, too lazy to get down to it. it may be because it's mic, i dunno, so far the other channel has been working perfectly. havent tried a miuk ac30 in my life. on the whole, i guess you should not base your choice on country, my ac30 really looks and sounds great even though its mic. the thing with tube amps is that you have to service them every once in a while, get a backup ha
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haha i see thanks for the advice. Well my main drives come from my pedal board,
namely for OD - Sahasrara and for Dist - Proco Rat.
Modulation as well, all pedals. So i guess its better for me to go for a roland jc120?
I wonder if rankings has the 65' twin reverb. Would love to try it out first hand.
from what i know the roland is a very clean and neutral amp which takes pedals well. try them all out with your current setup
AC hates pedals.. Somehow I prefer the 15 to the 30 as well..
For the Rocker 30 head, maybe you can ask Pedal-itis? He used to have a Rockerverb which he was like praising so much when I bumped into him at Ebenex.. Spoke so highly of it, saying it was capable of sounding like a Marshall, Fender, Vox, etc..
Roland JC is a very clean sounding solid state amp.. One of the best in the field (I still prefer the Randall RG series but that's only me).. Good at taking pedals, but horrible onboard drive (not like you need it anyways)..
Never tried the Fender.. :mrgreen::mrgreen:
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I'm using a Vox AC30CC2. I really like the amp for the clean tones. Other than that, i rely on pedals for OD/Dist cause the amp OD is a little too tame for me. But i feel that it takes pedals pretty well.

I had problems with it once though. But that was because my brother switched on the amp with the wrong button but that's a different story.

I guess you gotta try the amps and narrow down the decisions. ;)