Volume/Tone pots


New member
Hi, I couldn't find any post (after searching 5mins) on this topic and i have some questions so i thought i'll just post a new topic. (unless there has already been one pls someone direct me to it!)

I know that the traditional way is to use 250k pots on single coils and 500k pots on humbuckers. Also know that the higher the no = more open sounding or more treble is retained.

My question is, what happens when you mix and match.

What does it mean when i use a 250K pot on my volume control and a 500k pot for my tone control or the other way round... How does the value of the pot affect the sound of the pickups when it is used as a volume pot and when it is used as a tone pot...

Yup cause dimarzio website talks abt using a 250k pot for volume and 1000k pot for tone...

Also researching cause i wondering how to balance a guitar with a humbucker and single coil in it...

You can try values in between 250k and 500k.

ShredCow had a post on it but it's lost in the forums already. Search the forum.
1M tone pot but 250K Volume pot... And they say can use for hum cancelling single coil like the virtual T which is not a humbucker sound but still more a single coil sound... So is it bright or maybe the value for tone has a slight diff function?
theres all sort of values for pots, but for guitar usage, theres only that few which are used

Some gibson have 330k pots in them

Theres more different in using bigger value in pot for volume control than tone pot. Tone pot value didnt seem too big a different in sound while i was trying out with different pot value a while back.

but if the pickup that you are using already has suggestion of using certain value, just stick to it, its prolly the value which maximised the performance.

If you still wanna try out different value. Connect jumper wire to the pickup wire and with crocodile clip at the other end, clip on to different pot value to try out and see how it affect the sound.
You can make your own custom value pots.


The taper will be a bit different, But probably not by too much. Experiment with different resistors to find your preferred value.

It has to be noted that contrary to manufacturer's claims, some guitars have pots that are high over/under their optimal ranges. For example, the Behringer guitar has their pot measured at < 200K when I tried to read the values off a multimeter.
Yeah... Thanks alot... Just wondering also since you mentioned taper... What is taper? I heard of audio taper and linear taper
What's that?

Do people sell like in between values for tone pots? Or I have make it myself?

Ok so i guess the value on a tone pot does not affect the tone as much as that on the volume pot? So in the end it is down to trial and error...
for the main difference in pot, the articles below will help




in between value pot can be gotten from connecting resistor to it. The info can be found in the link that bro thor posted. Usually volume pot be of audio/log pot, while tone using linear pot. For why, go thru the article above, the answers in there

lastly, the trial and error thing is only when you wanna find out yourself and listen whether is it for or against you. If not, follow what most are doing wont go wrong also. Lotsa depend on what you wanna

I would suggest you buy a pair of 500k pots (audio/log for volume, does not seem to matter as much for the tone pot), then buy the relevant resistor(s) to change its values. You don't even have to solder the resistors; just wrap the resistor wire tightly onto the holes of the pot lugs. Then swap in and out until you find a nice match.
Hey thanks lots guys...

I still not sure what I'll use for my single neck hum bridge guitar yet... The neck's too bright at the moment as it is on 500k vol and tone pot...

I'll be changing the pickups anyway so i'll check the sound again after that... if it sounds balance then won't do any changes...

else either i do what dimarzio suggests :250k vol 1meg tone or i'll try to make in btw values for a compromise btw humbucker and single coil...